Balanced Assessment in Mathematics: the tests
These tests are designed for the many school systems that are seeking to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in their schools by introducing goals and curricula based on national and international standards. The collection include 40-minute tests at each grade from 3 to 10, built from 5 to 10 minute tasks, which sample the broad domain of mathematical performance that the standards specify. They demand substantial chains of reasoning and non-routine problem solving, covering the content and process areas specified in
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
The tests
Teaching for the tests and scoring training are both excellent professional development, leading to better understanding of the meaning of the standards. Materials are provided to support reliable local scoring, which is also a contribution to teacher professional development. A scoring and reporting service is available, as are practice tests.
The "download extended report" gives more details about this tool including costs, evaluative evidence, design principles, and exemplars.

The tests
- exemplify performance in mathematics
- recognize the broad range of aspects of performance that the standards demand
- enable states with high-quality standards to meet NCLB alignment requirements
- improve the influence of high-stakes assessment on the implemented curriculum
Teaching for the tests and scoring training are both excellent professional development, leading to better understanding of the meaning of the standards. Materials are provided to support reliable local scoring, which is also a contribution to teacher professional development. A scoring and reporting service is available, as are practice tests.
The "download extended report" gives more details about this tool including costs, evaluative evidence, design principles, and exemplars.

Design and development