Learning from mistakes and misconceptions: gaining the skills
Many students who appear to understand a topic at the end of the teaching unit, do not retain that even for a few months. Better long-term learning depends on developing a robust understanding with many connections to other topics and applications. Diagnostic teaching achieves this by helping students to learn to detect, understand and correct misconceptions in their own and their fellow students work. This strategy and its associated tools provide teachers with effective support for developing the extra pedagogical and mathematical skills involved.
The download extended report includes a full description of the strategy along with planning essentials, budget issues, benefits and implementation pitfalls, and evaluative evidence.
The download extended report includes a full description of the strategy along with planning essentials, budget issues, benefits and implementation pitfalls, and evaluative evidence.
Applicable tools

Design and development
Alan Bell, Malcolm Swan and the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education, University of Nottingham. Contact
Alan Bell.